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Shanna Strauss
Mixed-media visual artist

Maguy, Photo transfer, acrylic, fabric, woodcut on found wood 35” x 26", 2016
Maguy Métellus is a Haitian-Quebecoise mother, grandmother, Black feminist, community worker and human rights advocate. She co-founded and co-hosts the Kola Readings, a free monthly gathering that brings together the Francophone and Anglophone literary communities and features African-Canadian writers reading from their work. She also hosts a radio show called "D'une île à l’autre" on CPAM that spotlights socio-cultural events, music, literature and poetry from around the world.
On change making:
"Maya Angelou perfectly describes what being a changemaker means to me: 'Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud' " - Maguy Métellus
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