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Shanna Strauss
Mixed-media visual artist
When considering the in-between reality of the African Diaspora - belonging to multiple places and spaces - how can one create spaces of belonging? Dreamscapes is a response to this question. In this series, I create an alternate world - both a place of belonging and a place of escape.
Land and Water I, II, III, IV (2007)
Mixed media (watercolour ink, oil, acrylic) on canvas 42" x 42"
Underwater I, II, III (2004)
Mixed media on canvas
42" x 42"
Ocean Dreams (2005)
Oil on wood
24" x 24"
Shifts from Blue to Yellow (2004)
Mixed media (watercolour ink, oil, acrylic) on canvas
14" x 11"
Seaweed (2005)
Mixed media (watercolour ink, oil, acrylic) on canvas
14" x 11"
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