Shanna Strauss
Mixed-media visual artist
Child's Play
Merging my abstract and representational painting styles, Child's Play is a celebration of the playful world of children. This series, inspired by children in Tanzania, expands on the Dreamscapes series. Portraits of children are placed within fantasy spaces that represent an alternate imagined world.

Daydreamer (2009)
Mixed media (watercolour ink and oil) on canvas
16" x 12"

Brother Sister (2009)
Mixed media (watercolour ink and oil) on canvas
16" x 12"

At Peace (2009)
Mixed media (watercolour ink and oil) on canvas
16" x 12"

Giggle (2009)
Mixed media (watercolour ink and oil) on canvas
16" x 12"

Under the Sun (2009)
Mixed media (oil, monotype print, watercolour ink,
acrylic) on paper
24" x 18"

Curious (2008)
Mixed media (oil, monotype print, watercolour ink, acrylic) on paper
18" x 24"

Shy Girl (2005)
Mixed media (watercolour ink and oil) on canvas
12" x 16"

Stargazer (2009)
Mixed media (oil, monotype print, watercolour ink, acrylic) on paper
18" x 24"

Pebble Game (2009)
Mixed media (oil, monotype print, watercolour ink, acrylic) on paper
18" x 24"

A Warm Place (2009)
Mixed media (watercolour ink and oil) on canvas
12" x 16"